Vox Garbles – vox@mechamedia.cc

Twilight Electric – Self Portrait

This video was made by filming a CRT TV playing a video signal that is being manipulated by circuit bent video equipment while mixed with video feedback and effects via video mixer. The resulting footage was composited and edited in time with Twilight Electric’s reflective composition.

The flowers in the footage pulse with organic life while they rotate under the camera’s gaze. This floral dance cannot be seen by the naked eye. In this video, the camera compresses time and visualizes the movement of flowers as the video mixer amplifies its own line noise to create the pulsating psychedelia of video feedback.

Twilight Electric’s “Self Portrait” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND). Notwithstanding this, I’ve been granted the author’s express permission to use the song in my music video.